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France still struggling with petrol supplies as workers prolong strikes at TotalEnergies


Strikes at several TotalEnergies refineries and storage sites that have been weighing on France's petrol supplies have been prolonged by workers this morning, a representative of the CGT union at the company told Reuters.

"We're still struggling," French transport minister Clement Beaune told France Inter radio.

Strikes were affecting TotalEnergies' refineries at Normandie, Donges, La Mede, and Feyzin, as well as the Dunkirk depot, the union representative said.

They will likely lead to new requisitioning proceedings to unlock supplies, the French prime minister flagged on Sunday.

But even as the government continues to use force to allow supplies to exit from depots affected by the walkouts, France will need some time to get back to normal.

"To get back to 100% supply everywhere will take time", said Beaune, adding that the petrol situation at service stations may not get back to normal until next week.

According to data provided by the government, roughly one in three petrol stations throughout the country has not been supplied as they should have been in the last few days.

However, in some regions in the north of the country and around Paris, the figure is higher.



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